Habilidades de liderazgo instruccional de directores y sus equipos de gestión de escuelas de la región del Biobío, Chile: fortalezas y desafíos
Supporting Agencies
- Dirección de Investigación
- Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
This research describes leadership skills from an instructional approach of school principals, management team and teachers of educational organizations from the Biobío region, Chile. A sample of 64 members of the school management team and 424 teachers were surveyed using the PIMRS instrument. The data analysis showed no significant differences in the assessment of the respondents in the implementation of the three dimensions established in the PIMRS. However, it was determined that teachers have significant differences with respect to the members of the management team in terms of the three dimensions and ten functions established in the PIMRS. When comparing the assessment of the management teams and the teachers, the smallest gaps are found in the functions associated with the definition of the school’s mission and the biggest gaps are found in the functions associated with the promotion of an adequate school learning climate. The evaluation of the activities associated with the implementation of instructional leadership of principals and pedagogical heads differs in terms of the emphasis that is granted depending on each position.
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