What proposes vocational guidance to employment policies of Spain postcrisis?
A qualitative analysis
Orientation is the first axis of active employment policies, structured in the Spanish Activation Strategy for Employment 2014-2016. This scientific discipline presents a clear theoretical and formal position, justified by the influence of European guidelines and models, and by a myriad of educational, training and socio-labor standards. Likewise, the present and future situation places professional orientation in the face of the challenge of providing solutions and improving the dynamisation of employment policies. These remains and realities that show the orientation in the socio-labor framework, are further complicated by the observation of the field of practical and real action, a territory conditioned by the effects of the last economic crisis, which draw a scenario of policies, systems, structures and services of professional orientation with evident areas of improvement. Based on a design of Grounded Theory, aligned with the qualitative / interpretative paradigm and the foundations of symbolic interactionism, a semi-structured interviews were analyzed through a variety of authorized voices, both nationally and internationally, emerging a range of themes that draw the current ground of orientation in the coming decades. The results describe the weaknesses, threats, strengths and opportunities of our system, especially in the complex last decade. It concludes with confidence in a better future, which necessarily involves facing the challenges and weaknesses that emerge from this research, as well as reinforcing the most positive dynamics observed in the guidance system.
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