Adaptation of the Questionnaire of Quality of Life Assessment for teenagers (CCVA, Gómez-Vela & Verdugo, 2009) in Galicia (Spain)
The production and dissemination of models and researches on quality of life has focused on a multidimensional approach. Our aim is to analyze the functioning of the Questionnaire of Assessment of the Quality of Life of Adolescent students (CCVA, Gómez-Vela & Verdugo, 2009) that assess seven dimensions of the Model of Quality of Life in the adolescence, designed by the authors. A sample of 2220 students (aged 12-19) is used. A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and a correlational analysis between latent variables are carried out. The discriminant power of the items (HIc>.15; ID>.4) and the reliability (α=.914; rank α =0.746 y 0.928) are tested. The CFA check the fit of the original Gómez-Vela and Verdugo (2004, 2006) model. The absence of adjustment leads to propose an alternative model. This model introduces the dimension rights, modifies the concept of integration by inclusion one, and unifies the emotional and physical wellbeing dimensions. This one presents the best fit to the data, with evidences of reliability (CRI=.936) and validity (EVA=.640). High correlation between self-determination and rights is shown. The assessment of quality of life is a key to analyze the needs and demands of teenagers and to plan interventions from an individual approach. However, the differences between regions, cultural patterns, and local ways of life require attention to the characteristics of each evaluation group.Downloads
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