Rendimiento académico de adolescentes declarados en situación de riesgo
The recent legal and social regulation of childhood and adolescence at risk in Spain makes it necessary to create a body of research that encourages, from the field of education, protective factors and promotes the wellbeing of children, because despite of the heterogeneity that characterizes this population, the promotion of educational success will undoubtedly be the best preventive measure of the risk situation. The sample was of 232 students declared at risk, with students of low (115) and good academic achievement (117) enrolled in Secondary Education, of which we collected information about personal and family variables that are related to achievement. Regarding the personal variables, results showed that students that have a good academic achievement are characterized by higher scores in their academic goals, they attribute their academic success to their own capacity and effort and they perceive a greater affective family support from their family. Regarding family variables, we found that students with good academic achievement have a higher percentage of parents with a university degree, parents who work in the public sector and mothers who expect that their son or daughterwill achieve a university degree. In conclusion, the importance of working together from the educational and social levels to prevent school failure is confirmed.
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