Access and digital literacy: barriers of the integration of ICT in family/school communication


Keywords: family-school relationship, computer mediated communication, computer literacy, accessibility, barriers, elementary schools

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
  • Ministerio de Educación
  • Cultura y Deporte


Technological resources have gradually appeared in schools as potentially useful instruments to better communicate information to families. This communication is essential to improve the relationship between parents and teachers and to increase the involvement of families in their children’s education and participation in schools. In this context, the article aims to identify the factors that negatively influence the communicative use of digital tools as well as to know whether the studies about the integration of ICT as pedagogical resources could be applied to the communicational field between families and schools. Based on an ethnographic study in 20 primary centres (located in Aragón, Cataluña, La Rioja y las Islas Baleares), which were selected for their positive indicators concerning the parental involvement, it was concluded that families’ access as well as training and attitudes of parents and teaching staff influence the degree of ICT use as a means of communication. The research shows that the lack of training in ICT among families is important, but also teachers should be trained, especially to reduce resistance about using digital means of communication. Thus, it is recommended to stimulate accessibility and digital literacy among teachers and families to enhance the use of ICT in order to strengthen parent-school partnership.


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Author Biographies

Mònica Macià Bordalba, Universidad de Lleida

Departamento de Geografía y Sociología

Jordi Garreta Bochaca, Universidad de Lleida

Departamento de Geografía y Sociología


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How to Cite
Macià Bordalba, M., & Garreta Bochaca, J. (2017). Access and digital literacy: barriers of the integration of ICT in family/school communication. Journal of Educational Research, 36(1), 239–257.