Heterosexual, what is that? Perceptions on sexual identities in secondary education
This article aims to show the results of a research carried out to understand students’ perceptions regarding sexual identity. During the 2015/16 academic year, the “Questionnaire on Sexual Orientation” (Leif, 2000) was administered to 213 students - 107 girls and 106 boys - from a public secondary education center in the city of Barcelona. An analysis of qualitative content was carried out about the knowledge and acceptance of identities and their experience in familiar and friendly environments. At the same time, a descriptive analysis was performed in which the frequency distribution was analyzed. The answers given by the students were ignorance, essentialism and monosexism. These results corroborate the lack of inclusion of sexual affective diversities in secondary education. For this reason, we believe it is necessary to look for an inclusive education as an effective tool to rethink current educational practices and unequal power relationships present in educational spaces.Downloads
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