Evaluation of professional competencies trough external internships: the effect of creativity
Supporting Agencies
- Grupo investigación Economics and Business Administration for Society (ECOBAS) de la Universidad de Vigo
- Mark Runco de la Universidad de Georgia (USA)
The aim of this research study is to analyse to which extent there is a link between the academic training received by students and the requirements of the job market from a competence point of view, paying special attention to creativity. To reach this purpose, the information obtained from the external internships in companies has been a valuable source that provides an ideal context for the development and assessment of the professional competencies that students need to acquire, as they constitute a transition step for their incorporation into the labour market. 274 internships carried out during the academic year 2013-14 and 2014-15, as part of the degree studies at the Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism at the University of Vigo, were analysed. Both students and company tutors were given a form to individually assess a list of identical competencies for both groups, presumably acquired or developed during their internships. The results of the study reveal that, in general, the average score of all the evaluated competencies given by both students and tutors is high, except for creativity, a competence that has been scored as the lowest by both groups.Downloads
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