Learning in cultures of social interaction


  • Harry Daniels University of Oxford
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.34.2.252801
Keywords: Vygotsky, Bernstein, institutions, learning, culture


This paper is concerned with the ways in which the cultures of institutions and the patterns of social interaction within them exert a formative effect on the what and how of learning. The way in which the social relations of institutions are regulated has cognitive and affective consequences for those who live and work inside them. The current state of the art in the social sciences struggles to provide a theoretical connection between specific forms, or modalities, of institutional regulation and consciousness. Attempts which have been made to do so tend not to be capable of generating analyses and descriptions of institutional formations that are predictive of consequences for individuals. At the same time social policy tends not to engage
with the personal consequences of different forms of institutional regulation. I will discuss an approach to making connections between the principles of regulation in institutions, discursive practices and the shaping of consciousness. This approach is based on the work of the British sociologist, Basil Bernstein, and the Russian social theorist, Lev Vygotsky.


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Author Biography

Harry Daniels, University of Oxford

Department of Education


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How to Cite
Daniels, H. (2016). Learning in cultures of social interaction. Journal of Educational Research, 34(2), 315–328. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.34.2.252801