Adolescent communication in the virtual word: an experience in educational research


  • Sara Gabarda Universitat de València
  • Natividad Orellana Alonso Universitat de València
  • Amparo Pérez Carbonell Universitat de València
Keywords: virtual world, communication, adolescent and critical thinking


In this project, we present an educational research experience carried out in a compulsory secondary education center (ESO), whose purpose is to understand the problems derived from the communication among the first-year students of secondary education within the virtual world, as well as to improve the quality of life of the people involved in said problem.

The design of the research process employed is emerging and the methodology is mixed. The course and needs of the research led us to begin a process of participatory action research, in which the students themselves and their families were part of the process of changing the risk situations they face.

The obtained results in this research show that this educational center requires a project to raise awareness of healthy internet usage where the active participation of the entire educational community is essential.


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Author Biographies

Natividad Orellana Alonso, Universitat de València

Directora del Departamento de Métodos de Investigación.

Amparo Pérez Carbonell, Universitat de València

Directora del Servei d'Extensió Universitària de la Universitat de València.


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How to Cite
Gabarda, S., Orellana Alonso, N., & Pérez Carbonell, A. (2017). Adolescent communication in the virtual word: an experience in educational research. Journal of Educational Research, 35(1), 251–267.