Citizenship and memory in history teaching: analisys of the didactic methodology in a case study in ESO


  • Emilio José Delgado-Algarra University Loyola Andalucia
  • Jesús Estepa-Giménez University of Huelva
Keywords: teaching of history, citizenship education, historical memory, didactical methodology


Using the Study Case method, we analyze how both, the concept of citizenship and the different dimensions of memory, are taught in the fourth course of Secondary Education, concretely within the subject of Geography and History. With the support of the qualitative analysis program Atlas.ti, we carry out a categorization of the information transcribed from the interview given to the teacher on his previous concepts on this issue. Furthermore, we analyze the audio transcription of the recorded classes, the curricular material used as principal guide in class, the questionnaires given to the students on their perception of the classes, and the final interview with the teacher feedback on the same classes. Taking as basis these five sources of information, we carry out a double triangulation in order to contrast the interpretations of the teacher, the researcher, and the students. The Study Case enhances classroom discussion and gives a prominent role to historical memory, establishing an strong bond between the rememberances of the people involved in certain historical situations and the teaching of History.


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Author Biographies

Emilio José Delgado-Algarra, University Loyola Andalucia

Docente investigador del Departamento de Comunicación y Educación

Jesús Estepa-Giménez, University of Huelva

Catedrático del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias y Filosofía



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How to Cite
Delgado-Algarra, E. J., & Estepa-Giménez, J. (2016). Citizenship and memory in history teaching: analisys of the didactic methodology in a case study in ESO. Journal of Educational Research, 34(2), 521–534.