Sociocultural level, family educational practices and self-esteem of young children


  • Julia Alonso University of Valladolid
  • José María Román Universidad de Valladolid
Keywords: family sociocultural level, family educational practices, self-esteem of young children

Supporting Agencies

  • Ayudas a los grupos de Investigción de Excelencia. Dirección General de Universidades. Junta de Castilla y León-


Empirical research on the relation between sociocultural level of families and self-esteem of children at an early age is scarce. Even rarer are those which take into account the child’s perception of his/her father’s or mother’s “educational practices” at an early age. Two studies (one is the replication of the other) analyzed the relation between family educational practices and self-esteem in high sociocultural level families (Alonso and Roman, 2005a), and family educational practices and self-esteem in low sociocultural level families (Alonso and Roman, 2005b). This article made the comparison of both studies taking family sociocultural level as an independent variable, and educational practices and self-esteem of young children as dependent variables. The results showed that sociocultural level determined: (a) differences in perceptions of family educational practices held by parents and children, (b) the level of agreement between both perceptions, and (c) the influence on children’s self-esteem.

Keywords: family sociocultural level; family educational practices; self-esteem of young children.

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Author Biography

José María Román, Universidad de Valladolid

Catedrático de Universidad. Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación. Departamento de Psicología. facultad de Educación. Universidad de Valladolid.
How to Cite
Alonso, J., & Román, J. M. (2014). Sociocultural level, family educational practices and self-esteem of young children. Journal of Educational Research, 32(1), 187–202.