Language learning strategies in foreign language learning and proficiency levels by teacher training university students


  • Mª de las Mercedes García Herrero Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • Amparo Jímenez Vivas Ubiversidad Pontificia de Salamanca
Keywords: Language learning strategies, EF language learning strategies, proficiency, foreign language.


The purpose of this study is to analyze the language learning strategy use in foreign language learning by university students at different proficiency levels. The objectives of the study are: 1) to learn about the language learning strategy use in language learning proficiency, 2) to compare language learning strategies employed, 3) to analyze the language learning strategies typically employed by a particular group of students, and 4) to find out about specific language learning strategies most frequently used. The participants were 135 teacher training university students. Data collection method used was a questionnaire based on SILL-Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (Oxford, 1990). The scores on English test were used to measure language learning proficiency. The results of this study reveal that learners use Metacognitive strategies more often than other strategies. In contrast, Memory strategies are the least frequently used. The frequent use of a large number of language learning strategies is reported by the most proficient learners. The differences in proficiency and in cognitive strategy use were found to be statistically significant.


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Author Biographies

Mª de las Mercedes García Herrero, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Licenciada en Filología Anglo-germánica sección Inglés. Doctora en Pedagogia por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Profesora adjunta en la Facultad de CC. Humanas y Sociales-Magisterio- de la UPSA, impartiendo la asignaturas de Inglés.

Amparo Jímenez Vivas, Ubiversidad Pontificia de Salamanca

Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación y Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Profesora Catedrática de Diagnóstico Educativo y Profesional (área MIDE; Métodos de Investigación y Diagnóstico en educación) en la Facultad de Educación en la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
How to Cite
García Herrero, M. de las M., & Jímenez Vivas, A. (2014). Language learning strategies in foreign language learning and proficiency levels by teacher training university students. Journal of Educational Research, 32(2), 363–378.