Students´ assessment of ict and approaches to learning


  • Javier J. Maquilón Sánchez Universidad de Murcia
  • Ana Belén Mirete Ruiz Universidad de Murcia
  • Francisco Alberto García Sánchez Universidad de Murcia
  • Fuensanta Hernández Pina Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: Approaches to learning, learning profile, ITC, Didactic Website


The changes introduced in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) demand new conceptualisations of teaching and learning, as well as of the different teaching resources required. One of these resources is Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the use of which in university classrooms is bringing along a change in mentality among teachers and students.

This paper presents two studies. The first one examines the learning profile of 443 undergraduate students of different branches of knowledge according to their perception of the use of ICTs in class. In the second study 365 social sciences and law students participated in a teaching-learning innovative experience in which ICT and didactic websites were used. The results showed that a positive assessment of ICT is related to deep approaches to learning of students, and that ICT-mediated learning is positively rated by students.


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How to Cite
Maquilón Sánchez, J. J., Mirete Ruiz, A. B., García Sánchez, F. A., & Hernández Pina, F. (2013). Students´ assessment of ict and approaches to learning. Journal of Educational Research, 31(2), 554.