Análisis y validación de una escala para medir la conducta exploratoria
The importance of the career exploration along with the management of the vital-professional project has been broadly documented in the careers’ literature during the last two decades. Although the career exploration occurs during the entire personal development, one of the most outstanding phases is during the adolescence and the youth stages. The importance of these phases contrasts with the lack of tools to be able to evaluate the career exploration among adolescents and the young during their transitional steps into the labour market. A market where the scarcity of job employment offers holds in check the careers of the youngest as well as the consolidation of their professional success. The need for the proper tools lead us to readapt the «Career Exploration Survey» (Blustein; 1988) to the Spanish context. The article describes the followed procedures as well as the statistical analysis of the scales which support the conversion.Downloads
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