Evaluación de programas para alumnos superdotados


  • Carmen Jiménez Fernández


Educational attention of gifted students is achieving renewed interest within the frame of education for excellence, since it contemplates student diversity formally. Rigorous research must support and modulate the education of such students.

This study summarises the evaluation results of programs for the gifted, placing special emphasis on two crucial longitudinal evaluation programs, Terman’s already historical and Stanley’s model of mathematical talent. It also analyses the results of Renzulli’s enrichment program and those obtained through ability grouping in its different forms.


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How to Cite
Jiménez Fernández, C. (2000). Evaluación de programas para alumnos superdotados. Journal of Educational Research, 18(2), 553–563. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/121201