Competences university academic directors should have in competence-based higher education


  • Leticia Elizondo Montemayor
Keywords: Abilities, Academic director, Competences, Higher Education.

Supporting Agencies

  • Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey


The profile of an academic director working in a Higher Education institution should be based on competences. This manuscript describes the role, responsibilities, fields of knowledge, abilities and habits, which a competence-based profile should be made up of, following a tri-circular model.
The three areas of competence are: 1) Doing the right thing; 2) Doing things right; and 3) The right person doing the tasks. The first area includes five intellectual and technical competences: 1. Knowledge of the institution; 2. Awareness of strengths and weaknesses; 3. Knowledge of educational models; 4. Teacher training and student affairs; and, 5. Administrative abilities. The second area involves 3 intellectual, emotional, analytical and creative competences: 6. Understanding of the main principles; 7. Leadership and effective communication; 8. Critical thinking and decision making. The third area includes 2 personal competences: 9. Role of the AD; 10. Ethics and personal development. This paper describes the elements of these 10 competences.


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Author Biography

Leticia Elizondo Montemayor

Directora del Centro de Investigación Clínica de la Escuela de Medicina del Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey
How to Cite
Elizondo Montemayor, L. (2011). Competences university academic directors should have in competence-based higher education. Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 205–218. Retrieved from