Professional competencies for quality and effective attention to children exposed to gender-based violence


Keywords: gender violence, job skills, work experience, children at risk, child protection, training


This research aims to identify professional competencies which are key in multidisciplinary teams that attend to children exposed to gender-based violence. Specifically, 48 professionals from different training and work profiles such as psychology, education and social work participated in this study. The individual experiences and job functions in each profile are considered to identify professional competencies. We follow a feminist phenomenological method, collecting data through interviews and schemes that are analyzed adopting a thematic and fundamental theory approach with the support of specialized software. The results show three types of competencies associated with different experiential areas. The basic skills are knowledge about traumatic processes, care services and their different functions and emotional education; technical competencies such as the ability to manage the minor's feeling of guilt, the ability to coordinate with other professionals, self-care, and self-awareness; and transversal skills like empathy, active listening and assertiveness. The relevance of the contributions for the design of study plans and the implications for specialized and transdisciplinary training are discussed. 


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Cortés, R., & Hermoso Soto, A. E. (2024). Professional competencies for quality and effective attention to children exposed to gender-based violence. Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), 165–182.