Use or abuse of memory? Benefits of teaching historical thinking to Spanish adolescents


Keywords: History education, secondary education, knowledge, methodology

Supporting Agencies

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Historical thinking, from its Anglo-Saxon perspective, aims to promote a critical historical literacy for the 21st century, according to six key concepts: historical relevance, historical evidence, cause and consequence, change and continuity, historical perspective and ethical dimension. The objective of this paper is to analyse the impact of the implementation of this methodology on the perception and knowledge of 70 Baccalaureate students. To this end, a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group and pretest was followed, applying a methodology based on historical competences in the Treatment (T) group and a traditional methodology in the No Treatment (NT) group, thus observing the differences before and after the practice. After analysis with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and some descriptive statistics, the results point to greater differences in perception and knowledge, from different parameters, between the pre and post analysis of the T group, compared to the NT group. In conclusion, it seems that the methodology employed significantly influences how students feel they are taught, how they feel they learn and how they actually learn. In the future, more studies are needed to broaden the contexts of application and to introduce new variables of analysis.


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Author Biographies

Alejandro López-García, 868889767

As a teacher, she has taught more than 1200 hours, in the Degrees of Sociology, Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, PCEO in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education, PCEO in Primary Education and CAFD, as well as in the Master of Teacher Training, and the Master's Degree in Psychopedagogy. She has directed 21 Master's Thesis. In 2019 she did a research stay at the Georgk Eckert Institute (Braunschweig, Germany), an institution specialized in digital media and textbooks. In 2016/2017 he worked as a Research and Innovation Fellow at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) of Spain, performing tasks of design, supervision, layout, evaluation and dissemination of educational materials. In 2011/2012 he worked as a teacher of Primary Education. He has been part of the secretariat, organization and scientific committee of numerous international scientific events. He is also a member of the editorial team of two journals and evaluator of nine others (one in JCR). He has more than 40 courses and 60 publications, including high impact scientific articles, book chapters in SPI (Peter Lang, Octaedro or Dykinson), teaching books, communications, invited papers and book editions. Among his lines of research are the teaching of history, historical thinking, active methodologies, online training, and ICT, specifically virtual environments, augmented reality and artificial intelligence.

Pedro Miralles-Martínez, University of Murcia

Teacher, for 40 years, at all educational levels: teacher of Adults, EGB, teacher and professor of Geography and History of Secondary Education, associate professor, full professor and university professor. For six years dedicated to in-service teacher training as a Social Sciences training advisor in two CPRs. He has the teaching quality certificate (DocentiUM program) with an overall rating of Excellent. Coordinator of INNOSOCIALES, a teaching innovation group (2015-2022). He has directed 17 doctoral theses (2014-2023), six predoctoral contracts (FPU and FPI), four DEA, two dissertations, 115 TFM, etc. PI of the research group Didactics of Social Sciences (2009-2022), group with more scientific production of the branches of Social Sciences and Humanities and 7th of the total of 300 of the UMU. He has participated in 27 research and innovation projects (eleven as PI). Author of more than 250 publications (articles, books and book chapters) and more than one hundred papers, conferences and communications in scientific meetings. Coordinator of the knowledge transfer group "Socio-historical and citizenship education in the educational system and in the public space". He has directed four OTRI contracts worth sixty thousand euros and has participated in another one.


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How to Cite
López-García, A., & Miralles-Martínez, P. (2024). Use or abuse of memory? Benefits of teaching historical thinking to Spanish adolescents. Interuniversity Electronic Journal of Teacher Formation, 27(3), 243–257.