Architecture Territories informed and Transparent. A Wiki in the School of Architecture
The framework of our research is based on the spaces information, formation and cohabitation configured by the citizens of the online territory. Web 2.0 has granted us new tools to build spaces with. Since the establishment in August 2006 of the platform CityWiki, we conduct an investigation on the architectures of these places that shape a common space without hierarchy or police. Action, thus, occurs strictly from the freedom of responsible inhabitants. [As defined by M.Castells (2004)] this cohabitation may only exist in a multiple place, where the unlikeness of dwellers gets "unified by the common believe of the value of the fact of sharing". Moreover, in this laboratory, we encourage a new research and teaching activity with an attitude 2.0 inspired in these basic principles of World Wide Web. In the first part of this article, the empirically evolving theoretical background which focuses the today of our research is exposed. The main objective of this part is to prove wiki territories to be informed and transparent, able to augment and never substitute our reality with new layers of information. In the second part, our innovative teaching experience during 2007/08 is described and scrutinized in the terms described.Downloads
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