Educating using new technologies and digital media. Some basic guidelines


  • Ana Mª Fermoso García
  • Alberto Pedrero Esteban
Keywords: e-learning, learning objects, design of educational materials, teaching methodology


New technologies and digital media involves new challenges for the education system, giving way to what is known as e-learning. However, having these technologies can not guaranty to get the best learning outcomes, because it also requires a parallel implementation of new pedagogical models. These models will affect the design of educational materials in digital form and the manner of using them in the classroom. Learning objects are the main alternative to create educational materials. This article gives a brief introduction of basic concepts about learning objects and some basic methodological principles to design these educational materials in a digital format contained in learning objects. The rest of the articles of this monograph describe several real-life experiences when implementing this "digitalization" of the classroom, requested by a new educational model in response to the use of new technologies in the classroom.


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How to Cite
Fermoso García, A. M., & Pedrero Esteban, A. (2009). Educating using new technologies and digital media. Some basic guidelines. Distance Education Journal. Retrieved from