Evaluating the Impact of Mentoring on the Development of Soft and Technological Skills of Women in the Textile Sector in High Andean Regions


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/red.605111
Keywords: Soft Skills, digital skills, Mentoring, Technological Skills


This study focuses on evaluating the influence of mentoring in technological tools and strengthening soft skills on women operators in the textile sector in the high Andean areas of Cusco, Puno, Tacna, Moquegua and Arequipa in southern Peru. To measure this impact, two case studies were created and implemented, conducted on different groups before and after a mentoring about soft skills and technological tools respectively, focusing on the acquisition or development of soft skills and basic level technology skills such as Google search usage, use of Canva and social media management. The results indicate that the mentorships have influenced the development of technology skills among the participants but there was no statistical inference in the soft skills evaluated by internal consistency using the Alpha coefficient (α = 0.70), with the exception, to the Flexibility dimension, that showed statistically significant differences, having a positive effect on the pre-test and post-test measures. Pre-mentoring surveys revealed a generalized lack in most of the technological skills, with limited knowledge in the use of tools such as search engines and graphic design platforms, and post-mentoring surveys showed improvements in these areas. This study highlights the importance of mentoring in the development of soft and basic technological skills, empowering women in the textile sector in the high Andean regions. These results suggest that mentoring can play a key role in developing soft skills in certain areas and closing technology gaps, improving the active participation of this demographic group in the digital economy and society in general.


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How to Cite
Villalba-Condori, K. O., Luna-García, H., & Espino-Salinas, C. H. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Mentoring on the Development of Soft and Technological Skills of Women in the Textile Sector in High Andean Regions. Distance Education Journal, 24(80). https://doi.org/10.6018/red.605111