Translation errors between sequential programming languages in Cubetto activities.


Keywords: Computational thinking, computational literacy, representation systems, programming errors, Cubetto robot


Computational thinking, understood as the human ability to solve problems in different fields using computer science tools, is one of the skills that should be developed from an early age. Among the different educational approaches to tackle this task, educational robots stand out as a valuable tool in the classroom. Thus, in this article we aim to analyse what types of errors, difficulties and frequencies of such errors are made by teachers in training in Infant and Primary Education when faced with the resolution of translation tasks between the programming language based on the use of the Cubetto robot and verbal language. For this purpose, the methodology used was mixed, with a sample of 32 participants. The results show that a significant percentage of trainee teachers have difficulties associated with understanding the programming language of the Cubetto robot, despite not being aware of these difficulties; where part of these difficulties are due to the uniqueness of the robot's programming table, which can lead to errors of didactic transposition to the basic education classroom.


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How to Cite
Berciano Alcaraz, A., Cuida Gómez, A., & Novo Martín, M. L. (2023). Translation errors between sequential programming languages in Cubetto activities. Distance Education Journal, 23(76).
Learning Engineering and Instructional Engineering