Towards a Didactics of Artistic, Educational and Cultural Creation: The Instructional Design of the Subject Fundamentals of Television Production According to the Principles of the EDvolució Educational Framework


Keywords: Educational model, open pedagogy, collaborative didactics, audiovisual teaching


This article proposes as a case study the instructional design of the subject Fundamentals of Television Production, a core subject of the degree in Audiovisual Communication at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona. It does so in the context of the implementation of a new common educational model called "EDvolució", which aims to accentuate the dynamics of active student learning through the multiplication of teaching experiences, the professional practice, the inclusion of social and industrial agents in the development of the subject, collaborative and transdisciplinary work, and the acquisition of transversal competences, among other elements. The particularity of subjects related to the creative and cultural industries requires an exceptional application of the principles promoted by EDvolució, as they are at the intersection of technological, artistic and theoretical fields at the same time. For this reason, the article first explains the didactic specificities of the sector in which this subject is included and what disruptive approach has been given to this concrete case, and then goes on to explain how its link with EDvolució is proposed and how its instructional design is concretely developed.


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How to Cite
Jiménez-Morales, M. (2023). Towards a Didactics of Artistic, Educational and Cultural Creation: The Instructional Design of the Subject Fundamentals of Television Production According to the Principles of the EDvolució Educational Framework. Distance Education Journal, 23(74).