Virtual Reality-Based Computational Thinking and Complex Reasoning: Sequential Case Study


Keywords: Education 4.0, complex thinking, computational thinking, virtual reality, educational innovation, higher education

Supporting Agencies

  • Institute for the Future of Education


The development of Computational Thinking (CT) in school education is considered essential to enable students to solve complex problems through the deployment of skills such as pattern identification and algorithm design. This article describes the evaluation of a learning experience of PC components from the complex reasoning approach (R4C) using a web-based virtual reality (WebVR) application called Virtual Campus. The method was intrinsic single case with a sequential study design based on quantitative methods. Two instruments were applied to 176 high school students, the first to measure the acceptance of the virtual environment and the second to assess the development of complex reasoning. The results indicate that the approval of the environment and its tools was very satisfactory, likewise, living the learning experience favored the achievement of scientific and critical thinking skills. Due to the above, it can be affirmed that the PC-R4C-WebVR convergence allows generating innovative learning dynamics, aligned with the demands of a constantly changing education and that contribute to the improvement of practices for problem solving.


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How to Cite
George-Reyes, C. E., López-Caudana, E. O., Ramírez-Montoya, M. S., & Ruiz-Ramírez, J. A. (2023). Virtual Reality-Based Computational Thinking and Complex Reasoning: Sequential Case Study. Distance Education Journal, 23(73).