Digital Storytelling in the 2D modality and with augmented reality for the development of creativity in early childhood education


Keywords: Digital storytelling, creativity, augmented reality, 2D, early childhood education

Supporting Agencies

  • Contrato de N°IBA-CS-08-2020-UNSA


The use of Digital Storytelling in education presents great benefits given its multiformat nature and the motivation it awakens in students, especially at the early childhood level.  The purpose of this research is to analyze the use of Digital Storytelling (DST) in its 2D and Augmented Reality versions and to establish comparisons between both possibilities for the development of creativity at the preschool level. The type of design of this research was "pre-experimental" pretest-posttest type. The participants were 70 children from the Peruvian "casa cuna", whose ages corresponded to 5 and 6 years old. The 44.3% were girls and 55.7% were boys. A test of children's creativity was applied.  The main result obtained was the increase in the scores achieved in the post-test in the 2D and 3D modalities, with more significant differences in the DST experience with augmented reality.


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How to Cite
Hurtado-Mazeyra, A., Alejandro-Oviedo, O. M. ., Núñez-Pacheco, R., & Cabero Almenara, J. (2023). Digital Storytelling in the 2D modality and with augmented reality for the development of creativity in early childhood education. Distance Education Journal, 23(73).