Assessing the presence of the ‘Personal Learning Environment’ concept across the web domains of Spanish Higher Education institutions: a web mention study


Keywords: Personal Learning Environments, web mentions, Higher Education, digital education, Spain


The concept of "Personal Learning Environment" (PLE) has attracted considerable levels of attention from researchers across various countries, most notably Spain. This study looks beyond the academic literature, examining the extent and ways in which the term is present in the web domains of Higher Education institutions in that country, with a special focus on universities. In order to do so, we conducted a web impact analysis querying the term in English and all the official languages in Spain (Catalan, Euskera, Galician and Spanish). Moreover, the complememented this with content analysis in order to gain insight into the context of use of the term. A handful of universities stand out because of a very high number of URLs, well above the average, mentioning the queried terms. We have explored commonalities and differences between those universities and also use content analysis to search for complementary indicators of attention and institutionalisation.


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How to Cite
Castaño Muñoz, J., & Villar-Onrubia, D. (2023). Assessing the presence of the ‘Personal Learning Environment’ concept across the web domains of Spanish Higher Education institutions: a web mention study. Distance Education Journal, 23(71).