Análisis de las políticas de enseñanza universitaria en España en tiempos de Covid-19. La presencialidad adaptada


Keywords: Educación Superior, Covid-19, transformación digital, educación a distancia, enseñanza semipresencial

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This article analyzes the educational policy proposals that the Spanish public universities have prepared for the new 2020-21 school year conditioned by the Covid-19 pandemic. The study is based on the recommendations offered by the Ministry of Universities of the Government of Spain, as well as the different resolutions or indications that the government teams of different Spanish universities have made. The study tries to answer three basic questions: What are the policies for the implementation of adapted presence? Is there consensus or dissonance in the interpretation of this concept? What strategic visions underlie the policies of Spanish universities on "adapted presence"?

The article concludes by noting that there is a similar policy for the Spanish public university system derived from the recommendations of the Ministry of Universities on adapted face-to-face attendance. It is also indicated that this concept does not exist in the academic bibliography, but that it responds to the modality of blended, hybrid or blended learning teaching. It ends by noting that these policies are short-term and that they respond to the health emergency, lacking a strategic vision on the digital transformation of higher education for the post-Covid-19 times.


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15-10-2020 — Updated on 09-01-2021
How to Cite
Area-Moreira, M., Bethencourt-Aguilar, A. ., Martín-Gómez, S. ., & San Nicolás-Santos, M. B. . (2021). Análisis de las políticas de enseñanza universitaria en España en tiempos de Covid-19. La presencialidad adaptada. Distance Education Journal, 21(65). (Original work published October 15, 2020)

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