LongForm or Microcontent? An analysis of supports for digital content courseware
The article compares the Microcontent format (MC), with their small and fragmented information units, and LongForm format (LF) with in-depth and extensive content; when use as digital content for distance or face-to-face education. The research seeks alternatives that do not simplify the contents, nor they harm the educational process. An educational activity, elaborated in both formats, was applied to 67 students from a university of Minas Gerais state, in Brazil. Observation of student activity revealed their preferences: MC has been shown to be good for building learning with smaller materials in both size and content density, but LF has been appropriate when dealing with complex, dense, multimedia-requiring contents to facilitate understanding. It was confirmed that the LF presents itself as a viable alternative for online studying because it is constituted by a single virtual space where larger texts and varied multimedia resources can be inserted to enrich the educational material and to offer the full content for students. On the other hand, the use of the MC is indicated to offer online learning materials intended for revision, the initial presentation and for materials use in minor subjects, both in extension and conceptual deepening.
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