Innovative university practices on the educational advantages and disadvantages of MOOC Environments


Keywords: advantages; disadvantages; educational environments; ICTs; MOOCs

Supporting Agencies

  • The present work arises from the guideline marked by the project Teaching Innovation 2.0 with Information and Communication Technologies in the European Higher Education Area, developed within the framework of the Innovation and Teaching Development Projects of the Pablo de Olavide University (UPO), funded by the Vice-rectorate of Teaching and European Convergence of that University.


Information and communication technologies have revolutionized the world as we knew it before its use and applicability to daily life. This use has also moved to the educational field and has transformed the way it is learned and taught today. In the midst of this panorama, Massive Online Open Courses emerge as an opportunity available for everyone to learn, which has caused many changes in the educational field. This study is presented as an investigation into innovative university practices to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these MOOCs in the Higher Education environment. Among the main advantages analyzed, we highlight its gratuity, the establishment of collaboration networks and time flexibility, while among the disadvantages we can highlight the abandonment, that some courses are not adapted or available for easy devices or lack of follow-up. The main idea is that once the advantages and disadvantages of MOOCs are known, the former should be encouraged, given the great benefits they entail for education; and in turn try to solve the disadvantages that have been seen that lead to the use of MOOCs, in order to promote the effectiveness of their use.


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Cano, E., López-Meneses, E., Gómez-Galán, J., & Parra-González, M. E. (2021). Innovative university practices on the educational advantages and disadvantages of MOOC Environments. Distance Education Journal, 21(66).