SoundCloud: Possibilities and Limitations of a Streaming Platform for Educational Podcasts


Keywords: soundcloud, podcasts, educational radio programs, streaming services on line, uned


Through literature review and a systematization of experiences, this article outlines some advantages and disadvantages when distributing UNED's educational podcasts through SoundCloud, a music and podcast streaming platform. To begin with, we describe essential concepts such as on-demand platforms and their difference with those that operate as online broadcasting platforms. We reflect on how these on-demand platforms changed production work flows and the distribution of audiovisual materials, specially of educational resources. Furthermore, we explore the definitions of podcasts, podcasting, and briefly review its assistance on teaching-learning processes. We studied SoundCloud, its background, the status it has achieved and evaluate the tools it offers. In the end, based on this literature review, and on our experience using SoundCloud at the Audiovisual Production Program, UNED (Distance Education University - San José, Costa Rica), we identified some opportunities and obstacles for distributing educational podcasts. Even if it is a commercial platform, SoundCloud allows the desired accesibility for the delivery of podcasts; as it is asynchronic and timeless. It can be downloaded in several devices, it offers tools for comments, information exchange and it promotes networking, as a result of the sharing tool in social networks, which is essential for podcasting success.


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How to Cite
Grau Ibarra, K. (2019). SoundCloud: Possibilities and Limitations of a Streaming Platform for Educational Podcasts. Distance Education Journal, 19(60).