Validation of the Spanish version of the 'Community of Inquiry' survey


  • Belén Ballesteros Velázquez Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Inés Gil-Jaurena Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)
  • Javier Morentin Encina Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), España
Keywords: community of inquiry, survey, reliability, validity, distance education

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED). Grupo de Innovación Docente CO-Lab (GID2016-30)


We present the study of the reliability and validity of the 'Community of Inquiry' (CoI) survey in its Spanish version. The CoI model conceives teaching-learning in on-line environments as a process of inquiry, through which the participants collaborate in the discourse and critical reflection to build personal knowledge and reach a mutual understanding. Consequently, the CoI model identifies the presence of three dimensions: a) the cognitive presence, referred to the degree to which the participants are capable of constructing meaning and knowledge through continuous communication, reflection and discussion; b) the social presence, defined as the ability of participants to identify with the community, communicate and develop interpersonal relationships; c) the teaching presence, referred to the design, guidance and direction, on the part of the faculty, of cognitive and social processes with the purpose of achieving significant learning results in the students.

The validation of the survey in the context of Spanish distance learning shows satisfactory results from the point of view of construct validity and reliability as internal consistency, confirming the usefulness and interest of this instrument in investigations that seek to analyze and improve the development of educational processes through communities of inquiry.


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How to Cite
Ballesteros Velázquez, B., Gil-Jaurena, I., & Morentin Encina, J. (2019). Validation of the Spanish version of the ’Community of Inquiry’ survey. Distance Education Journal, 19(59).