Blended learning modality and English pronunciation: Findings from an ICT-supported model


  • Ana M. Pinto-Llorente Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
  • M. Cruz Sánchez-Gómez Universidad de Salamanca
  • Francisco J. García-Peñalvo Universidad de Salamanca
  • Marcos Cabezas-González Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: pronunciation, technology, Blended learning, English as a L2, autonomous learning


Our goal in the present study was to examine the potential of podcast, videocast, online tests, online glossary and forums to learn English pronunciation in a VLE implemented on B-learning modality. The study is framed on the quantitative methodology and is based on students’ perceptions of these technologies. The sample of our research was formed by 358 students enrolled in the subject of English I. The main results of the descriptive and inferential analysis performed show the students’ progress in English pronunciation and the improvement of their ability to perceive and produce English more accurately. Their satisfaction towards the course was very positive and their interest towards the subject was higher with the implementation of this innovative model. They consider that the VLE implemented supplied them with a more natural environment to practice pronunciation and acquire oral competences. Data show the effectiveness and potential for using these technological tools for academic purpose, specifically to learning English pronunciation and develop an autonomous learning. Our study provides more information for future educational and innovative proposals that will allow us to decide better the priorities in educational intervention and move towards more effective models to teach English pronunciation in higher education.


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How to Cite
Pinto-Llorente, A. M., Sánchez-Gómez, M. C., García-Peñalvo, F. J., & Cabezas-González, M. (2017). Blended learning modality and English pronunciation: Findings from an ICT-supported model. Distance Education Journal, 17(52). Retrieved from

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