
  • Juan J. Álvarez Sánchez
  • José V. Álvarez-Bravo
  • Francisco J. González-Cabrera
  • M. Antonia López Luengo
  • Belén Salamanca-Escorial
Keywords: metodología pedagógica, razonamiento cualitativo, aprendizaje tutorado, modelado composicional, reusabilidad, learning objects


The main aim of this work is showing up how qualitative formalism allows an improvement in learning process. This alternative suggests a first approach that capture, in an intuitive way, the most important concepts of the knowlegde domain under study. This methodology takes advantage of the proximity between conceptual vocabulary used by qualitative formalism and cognitive processes of human beings. So,learner is provided then, by a new suitable language to formalize the kind of knowledge required by this first step. Qualitative proposal vs standard one is presented in order to show up the first one learning advantages.


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Author Biographies

Juan J. Álvarez Sánchez

Departamento de Informática, E.U. de Informática Universidad de Valladolid

José V. Álvarez-Bravo

Departamento de Informática, E.U. de Informática Universidad de Valladolid

Francisco J. González-Cabrera

Departamento de Informática, E.U. de Informática Universidad de Valladolid

M. Antonia López Luengo

Dpto. de Didáctica de las CCSS y EE, E.U. de Magisterio Universidad de Valladolid

Belén Salamanca-Escorial

Dpto. de Didáctica de las CCSS y EE, E.U. de Magisterio Universidad de Valladolid
How to Cite
Álvarez Sánchez, J. J., Álvarez-Bravo, J. V., González-Cabrera, F. J., López Luengo, M. A., & Salamanca-Escorial, B. (2005). QUALITATIVE APPROACH TO PHYSICAL CONCEPTS TEACHING. Distance Education Journal. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/red/article/view/24451