Evaluation of teaching and learning in the context of the European Higher Education Area


  • Pablo del Canto
  • Isabel Gallego
  • José Manuel López
  • Javier Mora
  • Angelica Reyes
  • Eva Rodríguez
  • Kanapathipillai Sanjeevan
  • Eduard Santamaría
  • Miguel Valero
Keywords: Evaluation, European Higher Education Area, peer assessment, continuous improvement, student centered learning


Evaluation is always an element of concern to all involved in the educational process (teachers, students, academic, etc.). However, evaluation is a very broad concept with many different facets, and not all these facets are given the same attention. Evaluate, of course, is to assign a grade that reflects the level of learning. But evaluate is also to identify what needs to be improved for the next course. In our article, based on Donald Kirkpatrick's model of the different dimensions of evaluation, we describe the strategies and techniques currently used to deploy a system of comprehensive evaluation in the context of the adaptation process of our first year engineering courses to the requirements of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Precisely in the context of EHEA dimensions of evaluation that normally receive little attention, such as the monitoring of student activity (or lack of activity) acquire a very important significance.


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How to Cite
del Canto, P., Gallego, I., López, J. M., Mora, J., Reyes, A., Rodríguez, E., … Valero, M. (2015). Evaluation of teaching and learning in the context of the European Higher Education Area. Distance Education Journal, (1DU). Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/red/article/view/243581