The Virtual Experience in digital education. issues of trust in educational settings online


  • Simone Belli
  • Marleni Reyes Monreal
Keywords: Education, virtuality, sensibility, e-learning


The purpose of the study is to identify changes in sensitivity caused by virtualization of educational spaces and trust relationships that digital learning objects trigger in the subjects, which are virtualized likewise. The starting point is a cultural study based on deductive analysis of educational phenomena to illustrate the transformation process of the sensitivity as a result of the e-learning experience. Internet allows virtuality to have a significantly larger space within everyday life, enabling learning from the problematization that is stimulated by changes in subjectivity and temporal-spatial practice. So education is presented as a tool that brings the student different possibilities that enhance learning. A first theoretical approach to the understanding of trust relationships in learning with digital media, was performed, for the theoretical foundation of online learning environments design.


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How to Cite
Belli, S., & Reyes Monreal, M. (2015). The Virtual Experience in digital education. issues of trust in educational settings online. Distance Education Journal, (47). Retrieved from