
  • M. A. De Unigarro Gutiérrez
  • L. A. Castaño González
  • G. Mestre Mogollón
  • M. P. Prado Brand
  • H. M. Rubio González
  • E. Ruiz Ariza
  • N. A. Victoria Corral
Keywords: comunidad virtual de aprendizaje, educación virtual, diseño de cursos virtuales


This work is a qualitative type study case, that pretended to conform a virtual community of learning (VCL) among college professors that belong to José Celestino Mutis University Network ( Colombia ), from a process of virtual education related to the elaboration, design and development of virtual courses under Mutis University Network (RUM) educational model. One hundred and twenty six college professors and six tutors took part in the formation process, between the 8th of September 2003 and the 31st of May, 2004 . The information analysis appears from a cuanti-qualitative perspective. The study analyses the quality of the course prototype and the courses designed by the professors. The qualitative component served as a basis for the virtual community of learning analysis. This article characterizes the relationships between the formation process supported by new technologies in the universities that conform Mutis University Network, in relation to the production of contents for virtual courses, and the conformation of a virtual community of learning. This article is a report that a group of researchers, from six colleges belonging to the University Network Jose Celestino Mutis, carried out in 2004, with Colciencias financial support. The project is about the conformation of a virtual community of learning that started with a course on Elaboration, design and development of virtual contents, taken by 126 college professors that belonged to the institutions associated to the Network. This is a case study, whose analysis comes from a cuanti-qualitative perspective, sustained in the virtual educational model of the Mutis University Network. This study pretends to contribute to the debate that Colombian universities are carrying out because of the increasing possibilities that virtual education offers as an alternative for our professionals’ formation.


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Author Biographies

M. A. De Unigarro Gutiérrez

Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga Director de la Escuela de Ciencias Sociales, Humanidades y Artes

L. A. Castaño González

Universidad de Ibagué Directora de la Oficina de Publicaciones

G. Mestre Mogollón

Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Directora de Educación y Desarrollo Docente

M. P. Prado Brand

Universidad Autónoma de Manizales Diseñadora Educativa de UAMVIRTUAL

H. M. Rubio González

Universidad Minuto de Dios Directora del Departamento de Pedagogía

E. Ruiz Ariza

Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar Directora de SAVIO

N. A. Victoria Corral

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente Director UAO Virtual
How to Cite
De Unigarro Gutiérrez, M. A., Castaño González, L. A., Mestre Mogollón, G., Prado Brand, M. P., Rubio González, H. M., Ruiz Ariza, E., & Victoria Corral, N. A. (2007). CONFORMATION OF A VIRTUAL COMMUNITY OF LEARNING, STARTING FROM A FORMATION PROCESS FOR COLLEGE PROFESSORS. Distance Education Journal, (18). Retrieved from