Current Status of Interactive Whiteboards in Primary Classrooms


  • Purificación Toledo Morales
  • José Manuel Sánchez García
Keywords: Interactive whiteboards, technology, primary schools, technology integration, instrumental use.


Interactive whiteboards (IWB) are an innovation in recent years has gained considerable presence in the classrooms of our country. The main objective of this study is to investigate the perceptions that students and teachers in primary education are use of interactive whiteboard (IWB) in the classroom, and the problems they face. Our findings confirm that students and teachers approve of use this new technology in education. In particular, use is higher in the teaching of mathematics, language and knowledge of environment. The study shows that students believe that IWB is effective in improving various aspects of their learning. The positive attitude of teachers towards use of new technologies in education is also found to play an important role in implementation and success of use of IWBs. Finally, we infer that IWBs are not used to their full potential.


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How to Cite
Toledo Morales, P., & Sánchez García, J. M. (2015). Current Status of Interactive Whiteboards in Primary Classrooms. Distance Education Journal, (43). Retrieved from