La popularidad de los cursos abiertos masivos en línea (MOOC) durante los dos últimos años ha llevado a muchos diseñadores, docentes e instituciones a interesarse por este nuevo modelo de docencia, que incluso ha llegado a postularse como soluci


  • Carmen Méndez García
Keywords: xMOOC, online, design, learning platforms, recommendations


The popularity of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in the last two years has made many designers, teachers and institutions be interested in this new model of teaching, which has even been postulated as the solution to some problems in Higher Education. In this paper, we will try to analyze what the advantages and disadvantages or MOOCs are, as well as their differences with other models of teaching (traditional courses, LMS), so as to assess their usefulness and viability in higher education. We will also analyze several courses designed following the MOOC (specifically, the xMOOC) model, considering aspects of design and expectations on the part of the different agents involved in the educative process, trying to systematize a series of practical considerations that may help those approaching the design and implementation of MOOCs for the first time.


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How to Cite
Méndez García, C. (2015). La popularidad de los cursos abiertos masivos en línea (MOOC) durante los dos últimos años ha llevado a muchos diseñadores, docentes e instituciones a interesarse por este nuevo modelo de docencia, que incluso ha llegado a postularse como soluci. Distance Education Journal, (39). Retrieved from