Degree in Teacher of Education: Final Project in online mode with classroom assessment


  • Blanca Arteaga Martínez
  • Josu Ahedo Ruiz
  • Sonia Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada
  • Eva Solera Hernández
Keywords: TFG, University, online, skills, teacher evaluation


According to the Bolonia agreements, all degrees must end with the Final Project (Trabajo Fin de Grado, TFG, in Spanish), whose main objective is to train students for their future profession. The current law in Spain allows some autonomy to universities to develop this task. This article presents an analysis of the situation on how Spanish universities offer the Degree in Teacher of Education and impart the Final Project. Differences between the universities are highlighted according to their ownership, paying special attention to the allocation of ECTS credits for the TFG. International University of La Rioja (UNIR) is taken as an example. This university offers the TFG in online mode, which can be an added challenge to both the development of the TFG and the evaluation of the competencies as defined in the degree.


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How to Cite
Arteaga Martínez, B., Ahedo Ruiz, J., Gutiérrez Gómez-Calcerrada, S., & Solera Hernández, E. (2015). Degree in Teacher of Education: Final Project in online mode with classroom assessment. Distance Education Journal, (38). Retrieved from