Developing Competences Through Sport Video Games: Digital Literacy and Identity


  • Héctor del Castillo
Keywords: Identities, Rules, Cognitive skills, Performance, Simulation, Sport


In this paper we analyze how sports video games become a relevant learning tool. We focus on their potential for the development and improvement of cognitive skills by teenagers. Both sport and games play an important role in teenagers’ everyday lives, so the interest of both activities plays an important role in their leisure. Thus, sport video games become an excellent mediator, as they provide a setting that combines different aspects of game and sport as the entertainment, the physical, the psychological boost and the competition & collaboration (Wolf, 2003). The project which is the reference of this paper is focused on ethnography (Pink, 2006), as we worked with a Secondary School teacher in the field of Physical Education inside the classroom. In this context, we use team-sports video games to join real and virtual


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How to Cite
del Castillo, H. (2015). Developing Competences Through Sport Video Games: Digital Literacy and Identity. Distance Education Journal, (33). Retrieved from