DK Elearning Grid: optimization of teaching practice in online environment


Keywords: Didactic transposition; Didactics of e-learning; Teaching-learning process; Virtual environment; E-learning, Didactic transposition, Didactics of e-learning, Teaching-learning process, Virtual environment, E-learning


The present work results from the study carried out in the scope of the pedagogical practice in higher education in e-learning. We observe a qualitative and necessary improvement of online and e-learning teaching practices in their pedagogical models, the general theoretical panorama in education emphasizes the need to reinforce and improve the didactic structures of online teaching, but there is a shortage of didactic transposition instruments for this to occur. In this scenario and with the objective of contributing to fill this gap, we propose through pedagogical and technological didactic elements in online and e-learning contexts, an observation grid based on the model, DK eLearning-TPCK of Amador et al. (2016). The methodological procedures were supported by bibliographic references, reflections and discussions that accompanied the various phases of the study in the creation and validation of grids. We present an example applied in the area of Spanish language and culture and propose a theoretical framework to support development and its results.


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How to Cite
Ferreira Nobre, A. M., Chenoll Mora, A., Melaré Vieira Barros, D., & Setién Burgués, A. (2019). DK Elearning Grid: optimization of teaching practice in online environment. Distance Education Journal, 19(59).