Roles and Responsibilities Editorial Board

Editorial Board

The Editorial Board is the main management body of the journal, and the one responsible of assuming the commitments established along the editorial process. Therefore, it is in charge of:

  • Granting the fullfilment of the journal’s editorial policy.
  • Designating the members of the Advisory Board, ensuring a balanced representation considering the disciplines appearing in the journal, as well as the associated institutions.

  • Maintaining the presence of the journal in national and international networks.

  • Ensuring the development and constant improvement of the journal’s scientific quality and visibility.

The Editorial Board is a collegiate body composed by different members, each one of them with specific functions, which ensure a proper functioning of the journal:

Editorial Coordinator. In charge of the communication with the Advisory Board, and the evaluators proposed by the said Board. He coordinates the work of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board. He also proposes the incorporation of external reviewers and supervises the evaluation process.

Secretary. In charge of giving a code number to the works received, and naming the editor in charge of each one of them. She carries out the monitoring of the editorial processes and updates the managing documents. The secretary emits the certifications related to the editorial process itself, and the works publication.

Editors. In charge of the communication with the authors. They carry out a complete monitoring of each one of the received articles (from its assignation to its final publication). This process includes a first formal revision, both a thematic and a content one, the revision of the evaluations, and the preparation of a final report (checklist) about each one of the works, which would be evaluated by the Editorial Board. They do the layout of the work and guarantee its wide spreading and internationalization by including it in national and international databases.

IT manager. In charge of the maintenance and updating of the webpage, including the incorporation of new articles to the website.

Manager of linguistic correction and translation. In charge of translating the website as well as ensuring the linguistic correctness of the articles, abstracts, and keywords.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board is composed by teachers and researchers affiliated to nationally and internationally renowned researching centres. The members of this Board collaborate with the journal in the improvement of its scientific quality, as well as the spreading of their contents. In this way, the Advisory Board will be able to propose improvements related to its editorial policy and the editorial process itself.

This Board will be in charge of evaluating the works received, once revised by the editor in charge, so there is a first evaluation of it regarding its content, and thus proceeding to the selection of evaluators. The said evaluation will be focused in the analysis of the originality, structure, wording and bibliographic review of the work. In this sense, the Advisory Board is key in the process, since it is also in charge of proposing the external evaluators who will proceed to the final evaluation of the work, and referring that recommendation to the Editorial Coordinator.