Quality criteria

PANTAI REI relies on an Advisory Board made up of researchers from a variety of different universities, both national and international. This board assesses and evaluates the publication, providing an endorsement of the journal from a scientific perspective. An Editorial Board is also employed, which reports on and makes the initial evaluation of the manuscripts received by the journal. Between both boards a team of blind peer reviewers are selected (minimum two) according to their expertise and suitability to each submission.

The journal offers detailed information to authors about the review process for manuscripts and sets strict criteria, procedures, editing plans and schedules: a) pre-approval or -rejection phase for submissions (maximum estimated time of 1 month); b) main evaluation phase, with corresponding acceptance or rejection (maximum estimated time of 6 months); c) editing of the texts for its final publishing (end of September). Details about this processes can be consulted in the Publishing Process section. Specific information about the Publication Ethics Code of Conduct can be read in the Publication Ethics section. 

Since 2014, PANTA REI has become a digital journal, published annually with each volume releasing in December every year. Check the Indexation and Databases section for more information about the databases which include PANTA REI, and the Acceptance and Rejection Rates section to know more about the acceptance rates of articles and reviewers for the journal.