Swedish and Spanish pre-service teachers' assumptions on gender inequality in temporal perspective


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/pantarei.485481
Keywords: Content Analsysis, Gender Inequality, History Education, Teacher Training, Historical Agency, Gender issues, Teacher education, Historical interpretation


The research is concerned with pre-service teachers’ assumptions about gender inequality and its development across time. In conducting the research 131 narrations of Spanish (n = 55) and Swedish (n = 76) students, enrolled in Primary and Secondary education programs, were analyzed. The research design has been the content analysis of the narratives through a coding process and subsequently identification of co-occurrences, cluster analysis, density of codes and nets of codes with software Nvivo 12 Pro. Although some differences come up regarding the orientantion over time among Swedish and Spanish narratives, in both cases prevail a lack of intentional historical agency (specially of women against the power asymmetries in societies), and a weak analysis of the past from gender perspective that could help to understand current situations.


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How to Cite
Ortuño Molina, J., & Alvén, F. . (2021). Swedish and Spanish pre-service teachers’ assumptions on gender inequality in temporal perspective. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 15, 161–184. https://doi.org/10.6018/pantarei.485481