Contributions to the teaching and learning of History through objects analysis: as an example... a “vasulla”


  • Nayra Llonch Molina Universitat de Lleida
  • Verònica Parisi Moreno Universitat de Lleida
Keywords: object-based learning, history instruction, primary sources, educational research, social sciences research


The purpose of this research is to demonstrate the potential of object didactics as a tool to improve the teaching and learning of History. Once having selected any objectual primary source from the past, we proceeded to analyse it from different perspectives in order to determine the degree of knowledge that its analysis allows, regarding both the space and time to which the source is related. Additionally, the research seeks to know whether that object analysis enables students to draw general conclusions from particular premises, thereby promoting the inductive learning method. This paper aims to contribute to improving the quality of History teaching and learning in particular, as well as the teaching and learning of Social Sciences in general.


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How to Cite
Llonch Molina, N., & Parisi Moreno, V. (2016). Contributions to the teaching and learning of History through objects analysis: as an example. a “vasulla”. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 10(-), 111–124.