Chastity or punishment. The failure of the chastity vow as a sign of public disorder in Rome
The aim of this article is to approach the priesthood of the vestal virgins from the perspective of the priestesses’ virginity and chastity and their connection with the community well-being. The main aim of our study is the revision of the primary and secondary sources. Unfortunate consequences they suffered in case of failure of their chastity vow, with the pressing need to make expiatory rites to finish prodigies and search again the pax deorum, are going to be emphasized in the present study. The study of Vesta’s priestesses has a considerable historiography. The earliest studies with a significant value date back to the second half of the 19th century. Although many authors have approached this priesthood, the truth is that we can’t find a large number of studies exclusively about the vestals.
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