

  • Antonino González Blanco
Keywords: pantarei, king solomon, archetype, historical narration, foreward


The beginnings of the magazine and the reasons that led to its publication are discussed. The prologue is a praise of the will, perseverance and ideal of the students of the 2006 academic year of the branch of History at the University of Murcia, in deciding to take over the magazine PANTA REY, created by their ancestors in their time as students of the University of Murcia with the Solomonic spirit. Book I of Kings (3,4-14) tells us about the appearance of God to Solomon during his dream in Gibeon in which he told him to ask for his desire, asking him for wisdom. And the Lord was pleased with such a request, which is why he granted it superabundantly. One of the most difficult peculiarities to learn in history is the art of formulation. The time has passed for an elementary story told as if it were a tale of customs. Nuances are essential today in historical narration and to pay attention to them is only learned when the historian learns through history. From the pages of a publication for students, you can practice that tiring gymnastics that you prepare not only in the search for exhaustive information, but also in attending to all the elements and dimensions of a problem; that makes it possible to seek the appropriate term for each particularity and that offers the criticism of friends the result of a gigantic effort, at least at the beginning, and is something that requires repeated and sometimes unsuccessful exercises. Being able to eventually fail in small things without serious responsibility is what is intended here. Solomon is here the archetype of beginners and apprentices, a nickname that fits perfectly with the editors of the magazine.


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How to Cite
González Blanco, A. (2006). Foreword. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 5, 9–10. Retrieved from