The origins of technology under debate: a review of the first lithic industries


  • Arturo Cueva Temprana Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Keywords: anthropology Archaeology, Cognitive Development, Prehistory, Technological Development., anthropology, archaeology, cognitive development, prehistory, technological development


For many years, the scientific community has considered the production of lithic artifacts as a unique characteristic of the genus Homo. However, recent discoveries made in African sites have provided results that seem to put this issue in doubt, delaying the appearance time of the first stone industries to beyond the 2.6 Myr. posed by the deposits of Kada Gona. This paper aims to make a review on these sites, trying to consider the possible authorship of that early technologies, which are framed in a high complexity paleoanthropological context, and perhaps are attributable to members of other genres.



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How to Cite
Cueva Temprana, A. (2016). The origins of technology under debate: a review of the first lithic industries. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 10(-), 9–18.