La vida cotidiana en el Imperio Asirio. Usos y costumbres de un pueblo que conquistó las Cuatro Regiones del Mundo


  • Ángel Luis González Torres IPOA - MURCIA
Keywords: historiography, daily life, neoassyrian empire, bibliometry, woman´ s situation, methodology


This paper is a brief summary of the seminar Work in Progress carried out in the University of Murcia regarding the historigraphy of the daily life during the Neoassyrian Empire. The methodology is analysed here, considering a bibliometric study as starting point and moving towards further levels of detail, focussing in one issue at the end: the situation of the Assyrian Women during the Neoassyrian Empire. Finally the paper includes some of the most outstanding conclusions of this investigation.


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How to Cite
González Torres, Ángel L. (2008). La vida cotidiana en el Imperio Asirio. Usos y costumbres de un pueblo que conquistó las Cuatro Regiones del Mundo. Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 7, 89–104.