Art and expression in Gombrich’s thought


  • Patricia Castiñeyra Fernández Universidad de Murcia
Keywords: theory, perception, artist, spectator, emotion, epistemology, aesthetics, art history, intellectual history, historiography


The following work looks through the main ideas that the great art historian, Ernst H. Gombrich created about the theory of artistic expression. Having always in mind his formation and influences, as the School of Vienna, Karl Popper and Ernst Kris, we will gather the ideas scattered among several of his books and articles in relation to the representation of emotions or the reception of the expression. His theory is based on the so-called “Four Theories of Artistic Expression”, particularly in the fourth one, which had been created by himself and that is a middle point between the three previous ones, where the artist becomes the main character of the art and the artistic expression.


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How to Cite
Castiñeyra Fernández, P. (2014). Art and expression in Gombrich’s thought . Panta Rei. Digital Journal of History and Didactics of History, 8(-), 59–70.